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Tecnical data sheets

Below you will find a list with the download links of the Rayston technical data sheets of the different products that we can offer you at Krypton Chemical. You will find them classified by product categories: products for waterproofing, products for flooring and complementary products. We are working hard to keep the web version of our technical sheets updated at all times, so you can consult them from anywhere in the world. If you have any questions regarding one of our products, or if there is specific sheet missing, do not hesitate to contact us.



Accelerator For PU 2k


Adhesive PU 1K

Adhesive for PU 2K

Aliphatic Rubber Binder

Anti-Slip Additive

Aquapur Flex

Bentonita Aquaplus Rayston

Bio Dren 50 Geo

Bio Roof Drain

Butyl Tex

Colodur Eco

Colodur Eco Matt

Colodur Eco Satin

Decorative Flakes

Decorative Stone

EP Aqua Multilayer

EP Aquacoat

EP Aquacoat Varnish

EP Aquanivel

EP Coat 100

EP Coat F

EP Multilayer Clear

EP Nivel

Epoxy accelerator

F 0-03, F 01-03, F 03-08, FC 03-08

FloorTop 1K

Geomax Spray 200

Glass Beads

Hidromax S

Humidity Primer


Impermax 2K

Impermax 2K Flex VR

Impermax 2K M

Impermax A

Impermax Aqua

Impermax Aqua 2K

Impermax B 1K

Impermax B 2K

Impermax Cold Polyurea

Impermax Cold Polyurea Supreme

Impermax Cold Polyurea SF

Impermax EP

Impermax GC

Impermax LY

Impermax Polyurea H

Impermax Polyurea H Flex

Impermax Polyurea H Flex Alum

Impermax Polyurea H Flex Fast

Impermax Polyurea H Supreme

Impermax QC

Impermax SF

Impermax ST

Impermax Super Accelerator

Impermax Tixo

Impertop Fast 2K

Impertop Fast 2K SF

Impertop Fast Flex

Impertop Fast Flex S

Impertop Spray


Impertrans Eco

Insulate Plus

Kryptanate 100

Kryptanate 100 Flex

Kryptanate 100 Flex S

Kryptanate 100 LV

Kryptanate M

Kryptanate M Flex

Kryptanate Spray

Matting additive

Maxpur 2k

Microlymer EP

Microlymer Nivel Advance

Microlymer PU

Microlymer PU Matte


Paintchlore 2K

Paint Stripper K


Paviflex A


Pavifloor EP


Pavistone 1K

Pavistone 1K Arom

Pavistone 1K HV

Pavistone 2K

Pavistone 2K UV

Pavistone Epoxy LY

Pavistone Epoxy UV

Pellets EPDM and SBR

Pigment Paste PU

Pigment Paste PU Water Based

Pigment Spray

Pigmented H Primer

Polyurea F

Polyurea FH

Polyurea H SL

Polyurea H SL S

Polyurea IG HO

Polyurea ISO 15

Polyurea ISO 85

Polyurea ISO 125

Polyurea ISO 150

Polyurea Primer

Polyurea Primer Flex

Polyurea Rayston

Polyurea Rayston A

Polyurea Rayston Fast

Polyurea Rayston P

Polyurea Rayston X5

Polyurea SPP

Porosity Sealer

Porosity Sealer Flex

Porosity Sealer Flex 100

Primer GC

Primer GC Thixo

Primer H LC

PU Primer

Pur Cat Additive

PU ZN Primer

Quartz Sand

Raycrete M

Raycrete P

Raycrete SL

Rayston AC-TOP 1K

Rayston AC MIO 1K

Rayston Cem Imper Flex

Rayston Cem Imper Rigid

Rayston Crystal Cast

Rayston Dren

Rayston Epoxy 100

Rayston Epoxy 100 LC

Rayston Epoxy 100 Gel

Rayston Epoxy H LV

Rayston Epoxy Plus

Rayston Fiber

Rayston Fiber 150 SF

Rayston Fiber Net

Rayston Finish R

Rayston Fire 1

Rayston Fire 3 1

Rayston Fire E

Rayston Flex 70

Rayston Flex 90

Rayston Flex 3040

Rayston Flex Clear

Rayston Flex Joint Geo

Rayston Floor D50 FR

Rayston Fluid

Rayston Foam

Rayston Grid

Rayston HDPE

Rayston Insulate Plus

Rayston Joint

Rayston Level 503

Rayston Plug

Rayston Paintchlore 2k

Rayston Prim PU 100

Rayston Prim PU 100 Flex

Rayston PU AL Primer 1K

Rayston PU solvent

Rayston PU ZN Primer 1K

Rayston RCB-580

Rayston RCB-580 S

Rayston RCB-581 A

Rayston Silver 1K

Rayston Spray 5090A

Rayston Spray D50

Rayston Spray D50

Rayston Spray D60 EPS

Rayston Spray Foam

Rayston Spray Foam 30

Rayston Spray Foam 50

Rayston Spray Foam 50w

Rayston Spray P3030

Rayston Spray P3030E

Rayston Spray P3030F

Rayston Spray P3050

Rayston Spray P3050R

Rayston Spray P3070

Rayston Spray P5040

Rayston Spray P5040R

Rayston Spray P5060

Rayston Spray P5070A

Rayston Spray Primer 150

Rayston Top 1k

Rayston Vel

Rayston Vel Plus

Rayston Water Repellent

Rayston Wax

Rayston X Drain

Rubber Mat / Rubber Mat Plus

Rubber Crumb Binder

Rubber Crumb Binder 4000

Slow solvent PU

Super-accelerant PU

Super PU Primer


Thickening additive

Thixotropy additive















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